Hey Y’all…Welcome to Southern Cuddlebugs.

Thank you for visiting Southern Cuddlebugs. We are excited you decided to stop in and see us.  Please take a look around and browse our growing selection of goodies.  Our “So Much More…” section offers everything from wall décor to embellishments for your lamps.  Then a quick stop in our “Story behind the design…” section gives you a look at why we have created certain designs and what they mean to us.  And if you have an extra minute; stop in our “Who We Are” section for a chance to get to know us better.



  After many prayers and family discussions, we have decided to close our Etsy shop.  Our family life looks a little different now that we have started homeschooling, so time does not allow for us to be able to keep up with the online shop.  We will still be creating new items and adding to our selection; it is the computer side of the business that is taking a up too much of our time.  That being said for a while you will still see a “Buy on Etsy” button on each item’s page that no longer works.  We will slowly but surely be removing those over the next few months and changing how our website looks and works.  We are focusing our business to selling locally at the Dona Vista Market and taking requests from our friends and family.  We hope to one day be back up and running an Etsy shop, but for now we will be freeing up more of our time for focusing on our Cuddlebugs through these growing years.  Please reach out if there is any way we can serve you.

We would love to hear from you; so, send us a quick message to southerncuddlebugs@yahoo.com.

“For nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37